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Maine DiazClick here for artist's young adult portfolio Click here for artist's black and white portfolio Click here for artist's storybook portfolio
Born in La Plata, Argentina, Maine Diaz, grew up drawing and painting. She was often seen drawing with her pencils or crayons in deep concentration. Cartoons captured her imagination early on and realized immediately that she wants to be an animator when she grows up. Her mother, a biochemist and grandfather were truly flabbergasted upon hearing her declaration. At the age of 16 she took a workshop and start animating, working in films like Patoruzito, El Arca (Patagonik, Argentina), Gizaku and Nocturna (Filmax, Spain). Simultaneously, she enrolled in Audiovisual Communication at Universidad DeLa Plata (UNLP). Soon after, she also started illustrating for children’s story books and educational books. In 2002 with Crimsomnia Studio, she was a finalist at Ford’s “Saldras mas” publicity contest, with “Habitos noctunos” short. In 2005 she won first prize for the character design category of Bizpills (Hi Impatc Learning Experiences), España.

Currently, Maine lives in a tiny green house where she spends time with her two cats, Chula and Lola. She loves tending her garden while Chula eats all the plants and Lola jumps and climbs the trees. Maine prefers to be barefoot while painting and singing in her studio. She is a pretty good cook and sweated several years near the oven and many pans. When not illustrating, she also enjoys swimming, writing, taking photos.

Below are Maine's most recent projects, Bubble Town by Tamara Ellis Smith (Choose Your Own Adventure), Fiona and the Peculiar Praise by Rennie Dyball (4U2B Books & Media), Jesse and the Snack Food Genie by Erik Talkin (Free Spirit Publishing), Rita Moreno: A Little Golden Book Biography by Maria Correa (Golden Books), Ten 'Lil Cannibals by Hugh Howey & David Gatewood. Wanda Jane Rainer Monster Tamer by Hugh Howey & Matt Mikalatos (Broad Reach Publishing), What Will I Do with My Love Today? by Kristin Chenoweth (Thomas Nelson), I Am Darn Tough by Licia Morelli (Tilbury House), Let's Dance by Valerie Bolling (StarBerry Books), Spirit Riding Free: Apple Adventure by G. M. Berrow (Little Brown Books), Slime King: Chemistry by Catherine Daly (Kane Pr), The Runaway Chicken by Kiki Thorpe (Astra Publishing House), Dinosaur Pals series by Pat Brigandi (Seagrass Press), Si se mueve no es una cosa by Franco Vaccarini, El Gran circo de la granja by Ariel Puyelli & Tal vez alguien recuerde una valija verde by Adela Basch (Estrada), Tengo un Zombi by Sol Silvestre (Letra Impresa), Los Kape y Luz by Primer Ciclo (Kapelusz Norma), El Dragón Perezoso by Kenneth Grahame (Letra Impresa).

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Childrens Illustrators
Directory of Illustration

Maine Diaz Maine Diaz Maine Diaz Maine Diaz
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Maine Diaz Maine Diaz Maine Diaz Maine Diaz
Maine Diaz Maine Diaz Maine Diaz Maine Diaz
Maine Diaz Maine Diaz Maine Diaz Maine Diaz
Maine Diaz Maine Diaz
T 212 689.7830
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